
  Chris' MML Library

MML is a scripting language used by Aleph One to replace multiple hard- and soft-coded elements of the game. It is highly versatile, not too complicated, and reduces the application Fux! to a 700k waste of disk space (sorry, Bo!).

>> The MML Library <<

MML technology courtesy Loren Petrich



  Chris' Pfhortran Library

Pfhortran takes care of all the little things that MML missed. It is another scripting language used to control ...stuff. When I figure it out or acquire massive amounts of help here, this intro paragraph will be re-written...

>> The Pfhortran Library <<

Pfhortran technology courtesy Chris Pruett



  Chris' Tutorials

I've figured out how to do some neat-o stuff with Aleph One, and I've decided to share. I doubt if I'll find time to compile another full tutorial again, so I'll work it in here in bits and pieces.

The aim of my tutorials are to show some stuff I've done to slightly more advanced mapmakers and scenario designers. Novices may find themselves lost here. Use the libraries and documentation above to help figure out what I'm talking about.

To see my original "Marathon: Killing Time" tutorial, visit The Battle Cat's Marathon Page (look under "Forge Tips"). You can also find it at the '' Archives.

>> Chris' Tutorials <<

Tutorials courtesy Chris Komarnicki
