If you can't figure out how to use Pfhortran after reading this, don't blame me - I just compiled other peoples' notes into this accessible library. I still don't know how to use Pfhortran myself...


Camera Management

Camera Management
This section courtesy EE

Cameras can be used to create cutscenes (to explain things a little), or to give information on the current situation without using a terminal. There are two kind of cameras, moving, and static.

Static cameras are the easiest; you just need to define a camera and set its position. Moving cameras are harder, but use the same technique. You will need to define a path for the camera to travel along by choosing passing points.

The position of a camera or point need 6 values : X, Y, Z, poly, yaw, and pitch. These can be get by using either Aleph One info (F10), or using Loren's MapViewer. I prefer MapViewer because there is not gravity and no clipping in it.

Here are the tips for creating a static camera :

1. Choose what your camera should focalize on.
2. Go into your position-giving program and put the camera where you want it to be, and write down all the values needed.
3. Use a text editor to write something like this:

_Procedure Init
Init_Cameras 1
Select_Camera 1
Camera_Poly 12
Camera_Pos 2.000, 1.200, 1.000
Camera_YP -0.3, 0.000

Init_Cameras tells Aleph how many cameras it should create.
Select_Camera tells Pfhortran to select which camera for editing its values.
Camera_Poly, Camera_Pos & Camera_YP set the actual position of the camera.

Now use this camera in-game.

You'll want to use this camera after a certain event, it can be activating a light, a platform, a tag, getting an item, exiting a terminal, or even after a certain delay. See which procedure is the best to use in your case. Put this in your chosen procedure:

Use_Camera 1
Wait_Ticks 30
Use_Camera 0

Disable_Player disables player movement.
Use_Camera 1 tells Pfhortran to use the camera specified, in this case the one above.
Wait_Ticks tells Pfhortran to wait 1 second before next instruction. It is used as a delay to stay on the camera before going back on Player.
Use_Camera 0 tells Pfhortran to use the camera specified, 0 is the player's camera.
Enable_Player enables player movement.

I have noticed than using Disable_Player when the Player is dropped is a bad idea, it crashes Aleph.

Now I'll go into moving cameras. You still need the position of the camera, but multiple times (one point for each position):

1. Choose where you whan your camera to pass, and where to look at each time.
2. Go into your position-giving program and put the camera where you want it to be and write down all the values needed for each point.
3. Write something like this:

_procedure init

Init_Cameras 1
Init_Paths 1
New_Path 1,4
Select_Path 1

Set_Path_Move_Speed 100
Set_Path_Roll_Speed 200

Select_Point 0
Set_Point_Poly 328
Set_Point_Pos -30.226, -6.396, 2.6
Set_Point_YP 30.94, -0.38

Select_Point 1
Set_Point_Poly 298
Set_Point_Pos -9.872, -6.996, 2.6
Set_Point_YP 140.94, -0.38

Select_Point 2
Set_Point_Poly 294
Set_Point_Pos -9.690, 1.11, 2.6
Set_Point_YP -169.06, -0.38-0.38

Select_Point 3
Set_Point_Poly 332
Set_Point_Pos -30.823, 8.405, 2.35
Set_Point_YP -39.06, -0.38

Use_Camera 0


Init_Paths create a number of paths for cinematics.
New_Paths is used to define the number of points in a path.
Select_Path thell Pfhortran to select a path for editing.
Set_Path_Move_Speed & Set_Path_Roll_Speed set the speed & rate of turn of the path. See the original docs for a warning about these values. Sometimes the camera won't roll like it should, so raise its value.
Select_Point select a point of the path for editing, like for a normal camera.
Set_Point_Poly, Set_Point_Pos & Set_Point_YP are the same that for a static camera.

Now put this in your choosen procedure:

Select_Camera 1
Start_Camera_On_Path 1
Use_Camera 0

Start_Camera_On_Path starts the selected camera on the specified path.
Wait_For_Path tells Pfhortran to wait for the path to complete before moving to next instruction.