go back

"Pfhor that are not Pfhor" "Those that are Pfhor" "Pfhor not born of Pfhor"

Your palms are sweaty.

Your heart races.

You know something is around that corner. You can hear it breathing. but what is it?

If only it wasn't so dark...

You pause, deciding which weapon to arm yourself with. But your hesitation proves fatal, for the devlin knew you were there all along.

It is something about those eyes... The moment you see them, you had better start shooting. Because if one gets close you to you, you're in trouble. If two get close, you're dead.

See, the devlin has no advanced weaponry or targeting systems. It has no projectiles. It attacks with lightning-quick agility and speed, slashing at you without remorse.

Escape is not an option. They move just as quickly as you do.