

See, I was too lazy to make a page for the new "humans" and the new "monsters," so I just combined them to make "freaks."


As captain of The Warship UESC Sparta, you don't use no funny, little guys with pea-shooters, you use Marines! (although they are still pretty funny) They come with a variety of weapons that you yourself have come to adore: assault rifle, missile launcher, napalm thrower, fists (captive), and the new dual magnums/spay shooter.


The Pfhor have built up the nerve to try to build a super race by combining their DNA with the F'licktas. These particular jerks are annoyingly strong.


What is this guy? No one knows. For anyone who tries to find out gets wasted.

Old Freaks With New Mods

They're all familiar faces, but so different that you might not expect their new found audacity.


These clowns are just sheep to the slaughter in the high-intensity battle field of tomorrow. Therefore, they have been reduced to guards in cell blocks. Also some officers don the same equipment.

Combat Fighter/Sniper

Equipped with assault rifles, heavy armor, and breathing apparatus, these guys are perfect for modern-day ground military. Their strength is backed by their brethren: the sniper division. They wield mighty rifles with great accuracy, firing shattering bullets much like the HMG. Although a slower repeat rate, you'll find that does little to help your advantage.


The Pfhor's very own mechanical, lethal assassins. They're fast, strong, users of powerful shoulder cannons, and amazing jumpers. Basically, if you think you can snipe one of these guys from a high pedestal of protection, hope your shot kills it (which its wrist-shields will probably prevent) because it will come after you and kill you before you can reload!


The perfect weapon against the flesh-made enemy, cyborgs sport napalm throwers as standard equipment. Of course, these Hell-on-wheels are just as threatening to machines as well in their alternate neuralizer form.


The good old monsters of the Pfhor planets. They're tougher from competing with the advanced Pfhor and humans, but endangered none the less. Their kind are now mashed up for Pfhor research (now more than ever for the Pfhor's Pfh'licktor creations). It's only a matter of time before they fade from existence (if only anyone cared enough to build them a national park or something).


Blue eyes good, green eyes'll never remember before you pull the trigger.

Friend and foe all in one confusingly congruent design, these robots serve more as maintenance droids now. However, their laser guns and ability to recognize the "assimilated" gets them used as weapons.


More like science nerds in space suits with neuralizers. Scouts serve as explorers, observers, and researchers; never really in combat situations. But you'll probably still see these geeks. Don't laugh too hard at their plight, they could turn pretty ugly. Also, sometimes you'll see marines using the same EQ for fights in a vacuum (they will either be white, gray, or black). These units are arguably more powerful because they come with heavy insulation to protect themselves from friendly fire. So...maybe they are cool. Whatever. Nerds.


Once an officer with a funny gun, now a force to be reckoned with. Wielding the mighty "proton cannons," they can kill a great many marines like you in one shot. So powerful....they are to be exterminated immediately and with extreme caution. Just remember: green/blue is small shot, fire color is nuke shot, and the other colors have both!


I know what you're thinking, you're thinking, "How many times does I gotta genocide these guys?" Yeah, they seem pretty illusive. But now they're a threat. They evolved into two giant forms: the kind at the left and the kind with two weapons. Under the control of the Pfhor, the seemingly dormant "species" have become nuclear-powered war machines!


A crowd favorite, the aptly named behemoth is quite a power for interplanetary warfare. The same old strength and missiles, but new napalm throwers for melee carnage. Well, on second thought...maybe I meant "crowd killer" instead of "crowd favorite." But they are popular...among the Pfhor. So popular that a many new types have been created for varying situations: miniature, space-fighter, and amphibious. Hell, the design is so popular you might see human variations!