Alexienth v2.0 by Meowx Design Studios
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Bill Gates Is 

Hand-Held Radion Cannon Prototype

  Your are being outfitted with a new prototype weapon - we'd like to see how it performs in combat. The RCP is based on the Outcast's Radion Cannon technology - shunk down to fit in the palm of your hand. Well, more like around your forearm. The primary trigger fires off a beam of energy that will travel through many bodies as possible. It uses a standard Energizer, but is pretty power hungry - two shots and it's time to reload. The secondary trigger uses no ammo at all and fires off a smaller burst of enrgy right in front of you - think of it as a big cattle prod. For cows with guns.


I'm 3D accelerated! (but was named 
before THAT CARD came out)

rising mouse 
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